Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Interviewing for jobs? Here is how to nail your second interview

Typically, you have to interview multiple times in the interview process. This article posted by LifeHacker helps you have a great second interview which can be crucial in getting the offer.

Check it out here

Monday, July 9, 2012

Social Media Plays a Major Role in the Hiring Process

A recent Careerbuilder/Harris Interactive study found that 34% of companies have rejected a job candidate because of the person's social-media activity. Makes you rethink posting that picture of you with the a keg at your college fraternity party.

The top four reasons those candidates weren't hired are as follows:

1) They posted inappropriate photos or information.
2) There was evidence of drinking or drug use.
3) They had poor communication skills.
4) They badmouthed a previous employer.

Be careful out there! For more tips on your online image, check out my article that was printed in Change Magazine: http://www.changemagazine.net/business/strategies-for-success/1600-establishing-your-popi.html

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Biggest Hiring Mistake You Can Make

Have you ever received a job application and never responded? Jeff Haden at Inc.com says that is a big mistake for the following reasons:

1) It's disrespectful to potential employees.
2) It's terrible PR.

Read more here including what you should do in the future: http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-biggest-hiring-mistake-you-will-ever-make.html