Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You know you are spending too much when...

You know you are spending too much when you have to borrow to pay other debts...
You know you are spending too much when you cannot even make all the minumum payments on your credit cards...
You know you are spending too much when you eat out more than you eat in...
You know you are spending too much when your car payment is greater than your rent or mortgage...
You know you are spending too much when your bar tab exceeds the amount you saved from your last paycheck...

Remember, there is no shame in having debt if you are paying it back with the intention of paying it off as quickly as possible. Americans are saving less now that ever before. It is important that we as a nation put more emphasis on sound financial planning. The more of our fellow citizens that our financially fit, the better off the country will be as a whole.

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