I found this interesting website the other night. It is a "Groupon like" deal website. The is what it looks like:
According to the website's about us page:
CUponDeals.org brings members of credit unions a new deal every week. We negotiate awesome deals with business owners, often below cost, and let credit union members know about it through their credit unions, who share these special deals with their members through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, websites, email marketing, branch lobbies and this website.
It sounds very interesting. I would think this would make a unique feature on many credit union's websites. I have wondered whether a Groupon-style deal a week would work for credit unions. This website is mainy non-financial products. What if your credit union had its own group deal every week? Maybe cross a woot.com and groupon.com? You could do a deal with new auto loans. Your members could pay $10 for a coupon that if they got an auto loan from your credit union, the credit union makes their first payment for them. Subject to credit approval. I think that would be unique.